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Thursday, October 06, 2011

A Visit to Rempi, north coast of Madang

Peter's house at Wargidan village, Rempie
On Saturday 12th February, I took a 45minutes PMV ride from town to Rempie at Wargidan community situated along the north-coast of Madang town.

Peter Siroi and village elders

It was around 1700hrs when I arrived at Wargidan community. Peter Siroi, who wanted me to visit his village, was there to welcome me. The village was situated close to a beautiful lagoon made up of three small pristine coral islands to the east which was an ideal snorkeling location for a village get-away! 
During that afternoon, I was able to meet with some of the village elders and clan leaders.  The elders that were present upon my arrival were Kendos Anut former council and current community leader; Francis Ganui current Council; and Mr Buko current inland community leader of the Baitata village.
I brought with me some food stuff and gave to Peter’s family to organize our dinner and hot coffee for the elders.
We sat and discussed some of the issues relating to tourism and identified what they have within their area. Upon discussion, I identified their main products as snorkeling with traditional canoeing, and caving with forest experience towards the inland along Baitata road.

Sunday 13th February
A beautiful sunrise in the east

Don's Experience to Orotabo Village near Tufi, Oro Province

Orotoaba Village Home Stay

Tim Flannery - Throwim Way Leg

I am blaming it all on Tim Flannery… I used to think I was quite adventurous until I read  “Throwim Way Leg” about his adventures in Papua New Guinea.

As a keen diver & underwater photographer, PNG is one of my favorite places in the world and I have been lucky enough to visit the country 1-2 times a year for over 10 years.
But when I read about Tim’s extended field trips into the remotest parts of the country I felt a little bit like Homer Simpson watching the Discovery Channel….